Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Birthday Balloons!

Here is a  fun idea I pinned the other day! I like to acknowledge birthdays (when I can) either on FB, a card in the mail or a card with a few scratcher tickets of a candy bar on a person's desk. 
When I saw this idea I knew I had to do it. 

I made my balloons with my cricket cutter and the entire project only took about 20 minutes!

When I make this again I will make larger balloons (I had it set on 2 1/2 inches) and I will stagger where I glue each one to the pixy stix so the bunch is more full. 

The project only cost a whopping 50 cents, because I only used 1/2 the bag of pixy stix, strap paper and of course the can was free. 

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